
Monday, March 14, 2011

Errors in Secrets of Cold War Technology: Project Haarp and Beyond ?

This picture was taken from Secrets of Cold War Technology: Project HAARP and Beyond, page 31. This specific section in the book has been source of some confusion for me when I initially read the account months ago, and as been a problem for others working on the project as well. The point here is that this either shows that the book is riddled with errors (and this is one of them) or that Vassilatos fabricated material.

The first and second underlined statements claim that the article "The Dissipation of Electricity" by Nikola Tesla announces the discovery of these stinging rays produced from the "Tesla Impulse Transformer", as well as other effects (third underline). However, this article can't be found...anywhere. In fact the only mentions of it on the internet are by people who read this same book and were looking for it. 

Of course, what any person would do with any scientific book is check its sources. Which is exactly what I did.

Lo' and behold there is no mention of this article. So either it was slipped in there purposely to give credit to a  made up experiment that never happened, or this is another major typo in the book. I'm more inclined to believe the later. Why? There is another article named "On the Dissipation of the Electrical Energy of the Hertz Resonator." I am more likely to believe this was the article that the author suggested and not some thought up lecture title. This article was created the same year, and the same month and time of month suggested in the first underlined sentence (Picture 1). In addition, the supposed beginning of this experiment started with Hertz. It even name sounds the same. 

Oh and the final nail in the coffin, it has the same quote from underline 4.

If you read this article, and feel that it didn't explain the experiment as Vassilatos did, don't worry. He states in underline 3, "characteristic understatements". I haven't read the article yet but I have a sense that Vassilatos likes to exaggerate.

"On the Dissipation of the Electrical Energy of the Hertz Resonator" is the missing article known as "The Dissipation of Electricity" mentioned in Secrets of Cold War Technology. It is simply another of many types in  the book.

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